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Chocowinity Chicken Sanctuary

and Education Center, Inc.


Timmy was one of three rescued turkeys who came to live here. More on factory farmed turkeys.

These chickens were abandoned, caged without food or water in a garage, following a Kapparot ritual.

Ruby and Ivy’s story is told in United Poultry Concerns’ Poultry Press.

Sunny-Butter (with her friend Rebecca) was saved from the hatching project at the North Carolina State Fair.  She was very fortunate, as the chicks in the project are killed at the end of the fair.

Heart’s story is also told in Poultry Press.

Like Heart and Ivy, these three chicks were abandoned in a Perdue shed.  Unfortunately, there were too crippled to ever walk.  However, they at least got to enjoy two weeks of fresh air and sunshine.

Some present and past sanctuary residents.

Paris was saved from a roadside stand, where she was in a small cage in the hot sun.  Most of her back feathers were missing.  Board member Martha Walton saved her, and later Mighty Quinn from a different situation.  Although never together at Martha’s home, they have become best friends here.

Mercury was found wandering in a cemetery in New York City and saved by Empty Cages Collective.  Kelly and her friends drove her to NC at Christmas 2009.